Wednesday, July 6, 2016

The dray

The dray rattles down the road.

The dray rolls down the rocky road. 

The wheel sticks to the squishy dirt, like a sculpture.

The metal screws squeak in the wind.

New Zealand mapping

Me, Elizabeth, Amber and Savannah made a map of New Zealand.

By Maia


I have been creating a map of New Zealand.

This is the New Zealand map that me, Maia, Savannah and Amber made together. We paper mache'd the mountains and then we painted the mountains. The buildings we made are The Beehive in Wellington, Craters of the Moon in Rotorua, the big fruit in Cromwell and the Sky tower in Auckland.

By Elizabeth 

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Rube Goldberg machines

Today, while the Year 5's were playing kids games, the Year 4's were set the challenge to make a Rube Goldberg machine. It was great to see the students working together, discussing, challenging, creating, inventing, failing, innovating, rebuilding, redesigning, redoing, trialing and finally succeeding in their designs.

The third floor bedroom

It all began when someone left the window open, on that cold Christmas night.

Jeremy wakes up shivering, under his covers, with foot prints in his room. He gets out of bed and follows the foot prints to the window. Could it be true is Santa really real? Jeremy puts his hand on the foot print. It was soot. He looks up and sees Santa on the roof...

By Tamehana